Friday, June 5, 2015

Today we went canoeing in Bellbrook. It was a lot of fun. I had been canoeing before, but it had been a long time, and I had never got to experience using an oar. It was hard to get the hang of, and it definitely challenged my partner and I to work together to get the canoe to do what we wanted it to do. We ended up running into a few things, and having to maneuver our way out. We also got to try some different techniques of paddling, and some proved to be more effective than others. We also learned about Recipe Poems, and we practiced making a couple. Here is my favorite one that I made.

Take some fish, some bugs, and pebbles.
Take some birds, and a few trees too.
Take the rushing of water
Take the large bumpy rocks
Take the shadows of trees
And the swooping of hawks
Mix them together
And a river is formed.

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